Friday, November 18, 2011


Today in my New Testament class our teacher had us all take a card from a deck. We had to find the three other people who had the same suit as us. He had us move our desks into a circle with the people in our group.
He had us read a passage in the Bible about anger, and then put a list of
questions on the Smart Board. One of them was “What makes you angry?” Everyone in my group answered, and when it got to be my turn, I answered “Human trafficking.”

The boy sitting to my right, Jacob (not his real name) burst out laughing. “What? I asked. I’d been afraid that someone would laugh, but human trafficking truly makes me furious, so I had decided to take the chance and say it.

“Human trafficking?” He managed as he tried to catch his breath. “How does that make you angry?”

“Because it’s wrong.”

“So? Do you see people being trafficked?”
"No, but that doesn’t be okay. I mean, it could happen to anyone. It could be happening down the street and we’d never know it.”

“Wait, guys, what’s human trafficking?” The only other girl in our group asked.

“It’s when-” I started to explain, only to be interrupted by Jacob.

“Sex slavery.”

The girl looked at me, and I nodded. “Well, yeah, it can be.”

“Oh.” She nods.

“I still don’t see how that makes you angry.” Jacob turns back to me. “You don’t see it happening.”

“So? You don’t see abortion actually see abortion happening, but it still makes you mad.” I referenced something that the girl has said earlier, about how abortion made her mad.

“No I don’t. That was her. I don’t care.”

“But do you see my point?” I argued. “Just because I don’t see it happening doesn’t make it okay, Jacob.”

“No, I don’t, but whatever. Anyways, my sister makes me angry.”

Friends, as I’ve said before, human trafficking, for whatever reason, has affected my life. God has placed it on my heart, and even though I don’t personally know anyone who’s been trafficked, it’s a big deal to me. I want to do something about it. I want to change the world one day, and
this is how I want to change it.

Human trafficking is an awful thing. There are more slaves today than were seized from Africa in four centuries of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Sometimes the victims are kidnapped from places they’re familiar with, sometimes they’re told that they’re going to get a work for a modeling agency or are told they are going to get a job, and when they agree to go with the men who spoke to them, or even agree to simply meet up with them, they’re taken and sold to the highest bidder.

Runaways and abuse victims are big targets. Statistics show that runaways only last an average of forty-eight hours on the street before a pimp snatches them up. As many as 1,000 ads on Craig’s List sell underage girls for sex today. Children under eighteen are the largest group of trafficking victims in the U.S. and twelve years old is the average age of children being enslaved. Sex trafficking is the third largest criminal industry, after drugs and arms dealing.

10 Ways to Help:

1. Spread the word.
The more people who know about human trafficking, the more people there are to help stop it.

2. Use your talent.
Write a blog post about why we should fight human trafficking. Paint a picture and
display it publicly. Use a sports event to raise awareness and funds. Write a song or talk about human trafficking at a concert. Create a short film and post in on YouTube. Use what you do best to make a difference!

3. Invest in Freedom.
One way you can join campaigns is through financial support. Your donation will be used to fight human trafficking through many different ways, such as covering legal fees as well as costs related to health care and housing for rescued

4.Organize a fundraiser.
Wash cars, hold a bake sale, have a garage sale. At your fundraiser, be prepared to
tell why you’re doing it and explain your cause.

5. Start an awareness group.
Start an awareness group at your local school, university or youth group. Get your
friends involved in spreading the truth about human trafficking to your

6.Educate yourself.
There are many fantastic movies about human trafficking and modern day slavery.
Recommended reading materials:

1. Not For Sale: The Return of the Global Slave Trade--and How We Can Fight It - by David Batstone.

2. The Natashas: Inside the New Global Sex Trade - by Victor Malarek

3. Terrify No More: Young Girls Held Captive and the Daring Undercover Operation to Win Their Freedom - by Gary A. Haugen and Gregg Hunter

4. The Road of Lost Innocence - by Somaly Mam

5. Ending Slavery - by Kevin Bales
Recommended Movies (for mature audiences only):

1. Human Trafficking (2005)
2. The Jammed (2007)
3. Trade (2007)
4. Taken (2008)
5. Lilya 4-Ever (2002)

Recommended Websites:

7. Pray
Never underestimate the power of prayer!

8. Motivate the media
Encourage your local newspaper or television station to cover stories about human trafficking, as well as what your community can do to help stop it.

9. Support survivors
You can support survivors by donating items for newly rescued victims. One suggestion is new clothes such as pajamas, socks and other essentials as survivors often come to us with only the clothes on their back. Another way to support survivors is to buy products made by survivors of human trafficking.

10. Help victims escape.
Leave local rescue hot line numbers in public places around your city. For ideas and free downloads, visit
Seeking Help:
1-800-232-6459 Focus on the Family
1-800-RUNAWAY Runaway hot line
1-800-999-9999 Covenant House
1-800-394-4673 Christian Teen Hot line

Joseph Stalin once said that one death is a tragedy; one millions is a statistic.

And I’m sad to say that statement can be true. 27 million people are victims or trafficking right now. And to me, 27 million can be just a number, simply a statistic.

I know it can be that way with other people too- it certainly was with Jacob. I want to change that- even for just one person. For the students in my classes. For the people who read my blog. And especially for the people who are part of that statistic.

1 comment:

  1. It takes courage to speak out and stand firm. Nice job. And, boys are clueless for the first thirty years or so... some are clueless much longer. Good for you yo!
