Day 25 – your
day, in great detail. Hello lovelies! My
day’s pretty boring, but oh well.
6:45 My alarm
goes off. I hit snooze.
7:00 I actually
get up
7:20 Eat
breakfast, pack lunch
7:35 Out the
door, headed to school.
7:50 At school,
hang out with friends and finish homework until the bell rings
8:08 Warning bell
rings, head to first period
8:13 Last bell rings, first period starts- Peace and Justice
(my religion class)
9:02 Peace and Justice ends, head to homeroom
9:16 Homeroom ends, time for Chemistry… ugh
9:16- 10:10 Suffer through the worst class in the world
10:13 On to Creative Writing… best class ever. Filled with
funny people and fun stuff!
11:02 Bell rings and I go to my locker
11:05 on to Applied Rhetoric, aka English
12:08 Lunch! (:
12:38 lunch ends :( on to math, another terrible subject
12:41- 1:27 suffering, suffering, suffering
1:30 History class, which is pretty fun
1:45 usually by now my history teacher has made jokes that
are so stupid they’re funny, tell us a story that has no relevance to what we’re
learning, insult half the class, and still managed to have taught most of the lesson.
2:16 And now for Spanish, last class of the day
3:05 Final bell rings, I’m finally free!!
3:30 and I’m home. Change out of my uniform, get a snack
4:00 pull out my laptop, usually write some
6:00 Dinner!
7:00 Homework. Yuck. Typically study Chemistry, and usually
have some Spanish and History homework as well
8:15 take a break, eat a snack, then back to studying
9:00 usually done by now. I’ll read some, or get on the
computer and do absolutely nothing productive on the computer
10:30 bed time! Good night (:
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